Every Child A Star Campaign, is aimed at equipping parents and caregivers with the knowledge and skills required to provide high- quality Early Childhood Development, that fosters nurturing environments in the first one thousand days of a child’s life and ensures every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Core Campaign Goal

Equip parents, caregivers and the general public with the knowledge and skills required to provide an enriched environment that fosters healthy cognitive, social and emotional development of babies, infants and young children, setting them up for a bright future where they thrive, and fulfill their fullest potential.

Campaign Objectives

  • Promote infants and young children’s optimal development and general well- being throughout the crucial formative years.
  • Educate parents and caregivers on ECD and it’s role in establishing the foundation for lifelong learning, building essential life skills and optimal brain development and equip them with skills, knowledge and resources for optimal early childhood development and nutrition practices. and and
  • Engage key stakeholders and create awareness on the broader implications of early childhood development for society, the Economy and National Development.
  • Advocate        for       policies                           that     support comprehensive ECD programs

Every Child A Star Summit

30th November, 2024